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Carol Rivers’ Emergency Medicine textbook is a trusted review book for clinical practice and is also the perfect manual for those prepping for the Boards. The 2-volume text is comprehensive but manageable in size and easily read cover-to-cover making it an ideal reference for quick review. This powerful resource covers 23 academic topics with over 500 pre-chapter questions and answers. It is available in print and digital formats through a robust, searchable, web-based portal.
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Learn fundamental Emergency Medicine point-of-care ultrasound skills that will improve patient care and enhance your daily practice. Includes extensive hands-on teaching with a low faculty-to-student ratio with live models and procedural phantoms.
more informationJoin us in the morning for arranged visits with legislators at the statehouse. Then we will proceed with our Annual Meeting which will include Board of Directors and Councillor elections and annual Chapter award recognitions.
more informationPlanning is underway for our can't miss annual Resident-focused event. Highlights will include residency focused presentations, a virtual poster competition, award recognition, resident Board of Director and Councillor elections and an opportunity to visit with exhibitors and physician recruiters.
more informationSponsored by the Ohio Division of EMS and the State Board of Emergency Medical, Fire, and Transportation Services in partnership with the Ohio Chapter of the American College of Emergency Physicians. We are excited to provide this conference which will be presented in a fast-moving format. All members of the EMS community are invited to attend.
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